Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.
Charting the Earth’s future for the 21st centuryMIT report highlights challenges and opportunities for conserving natural resources and stabilizing the climate CAMBRIDGE, MA—In 2015 the Paris Agreement specified the need for its nearly 200 signatory nations…
Oct 8, 2018
On 25 September 2018, the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) marked its first decade since entry into law. A new video “The NZ ETS: Beyond the Barricade” has been released in honour of…
Oct 4, 2018
Edmund Lou, a Research Analyst at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, has been granted a full scholarship for a PhD programme at Northwestern University, and is heading off to Evanston, Illinois. Northwestern is ranked 7th…
Sep 7, 2018
Since the turn of the century, more than 25,000 claims worth nearly $300 million have been paid out by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) for damages caused by wild weather. “With climate change it’s vital to know…
Jul 31, 2018
The accommodation supplement benefit is the government’s largest direct investment in private sector housing subsidies. It provides assistance with housing costs for 11 percent of the population, with about two-thirds of recipients being renters. It…
Jul 19, 2018
Isabelle Sin, one of Motu's Fellows, has been appointed to the Fair Pay Agreement Working Group. The Terms of Reference for the working group are on the MBIE website. The working group will look at: the criteria…
Jun 7, 2018
The most famous mother-to-be in the country is due to give birth in less than a month, after which she plans to head back to work and her prime ministerial salary. That’s not the norm…
May 29, 2018
The New Zealand Government has spent over $1 billion since 2008 developing an ‘ultra-fast broadband’ (UFB) network. A new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust looks at the access that New Zealanders…
May 11, 2018
Today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report on New Zealand’s possible approaches towards reaching a low-emission economy was supported by work from researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. “Our transition must be built…
Apr 27, 2018
A new report released by the the Deep South National Science Challenge, Communities and climate change: Vulnerability to rising seas and more frequent flooding, highlights key gaps in our collective understanding about how climate change…
Apr 20, 2018
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