Motu Research is a world-class, independent, public-good focused economics and public policy research institute.
We help decision makers in Aotearoa New Zealand grapple with complex social, environmental and economic issues.
Micro-geography and public tenant wellbeing
Authors: Arthur Grimes | Philippa Howden-Chapman | Conal Smith | Kimberley O'Sullivan | Lydia Le Gros | Rachel Kowalchuk Dohig
Working Paper
The micro-geography of people’s wellbeing depends on house and neighbourhood characteristics.
Still medalling: Productivity gets a bronze (data source)
Author: Richard Fabling
Working Paper
Productivity data is missing from the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) for over a third of firm-year observations in “measured sector” industries, equating to a fifth of total labour in those industries.
We develop a method to…
VIEW ALL2025-02-03
Applications for Motu research analysts now openWant to work for an organisation doing top-quality economic and public policy research for environmental and social good? Applications for…