Effective pathways through education to good labour market outcomes for Māori: Literature summary


This literature review provides background for a forthcoming empirical investigation of the pathways through education that lead to successful labour market outcomes for Māori students with different aptitudes in high school.


It summarises three main areas of existing literature.


The first is the pathways students can take through the Aotearoa New Zealand education system. This includes summary statistics on the proportion of students who pursue each pathway and the differences in these by ethnicity and gender.


The second is the relationship between higher education and labour market outcomes internationally, in Aotearoa, and for Māori in Aotearoa specifically. It also highlights non-financial potential benefits that may motivate students to pursue higher education.


The third is the value in the labour market of Māori-medium education and te reo-English bilingualism.


DOI: doi.org/10.29310/WP.2022.05


Isabelle Sin, Shannon Minehan and Nicholas Watson. 2022. “Effective pathways through education to good labour market outcomes for Māori: Literature summary". Motu Working Paper 22-05. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Wellington, New Zealand.


Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development)